Douglas Ford’s short fiction has appeared in a variety of anthologies, magazines, and podcasts, as well as two collections, Ape in the Ring and Other Tales of the Macabre and Uncanny and The Infection Party and Other Stories of Dis-Ease. His longer works include The Beasts of Vissaria County, Little Lugosi (A Love Story), Babble, and most recently, The Trick. He lives on the west coast of Florida.

Rebecca Rowland is the dark fiction author of two fiction collections, one novel, a handful of novellas, and too many short stories. She is the best-selling editor of seven horror anthologies, including 2023’s American Cannibal. Her speculative fiction, critical essays, and book reviews regularly appear in a variety of online and print venues. The former acquisitions and anthology editor at AM Ink Publishing, Rebecca co-owns and manages the small, independent publishing house Maenad Press. Find her at RowlandBooks.com or on Instagram @Rebecca_Rowland_books.

Holly Rae Garcia is the author of Parachute, The Easton Falls Massacre: Bigfoot's Revenge, and Come Join the Murder. Her short stories and flash fiction have been published in multiple anthologies, magazines, and online. She lives on the Texas Coast with her family and five large dogs, and is an affiliate member of the Horror Writers Association. She enjoys reading, watching horror movies, and playing Texas Hold 'em. Find her at HollyRaeGarcia.com or on Instagram and Twitter @HollyRaeGarcia.
A Short Christmas Horror Story
A deadly pandemic kills 100% of those affected, and a desperate father makes the most of his daughter’s final Christmas.